
TRAC Student Careers Website -

Careers at The Riverina Anglican College encourages students to learn and understand that career development has a range of stages and is ongoing across life. The student is at the centre of this cycle with the starting point understanding themselves and progressing to take action. Career support and resources available aim to assist students to make informed decisions at each transition stage.

The Riverina Anglican College provides students with a range of career resources. Our career resources, supported by experienced career counsellors, include:Year 10 and Yr 12 Career lessons

Individual online careers accounts for Year 10 -12 students
Individual Career Transition Pathway counselling
Stage 6 HSC and IBDP pathway consultation
Careers information publication through online internal and external platforms
Career exploration excursion/ incursion opportunities
Work Experience Support
School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship Support (Yr 10 - 12)
External Vocational and Training Course Support (Year 11 -12)